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President Barack Obama Returns To White House After Growing Tired Of Working Remotely

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Barack Obama has returned to the White House after growing tired of working remotely. The President said it was time to work in the Oval Office once again, after over a year of being the president from his Martha's Vineyard estate.

"Normally, a President can only hold office for 2 terms," said Barack Obama to other elites gathered at the White House. "But we found this little loophole where you just take a 3rd term anyway by working online."

According to sources, Obama explained that working from home was fun for a while, but he just needed to get back in the office and meet face to face again. He also added that it just wasn't the same not being in the limelight all the time.

"It's been quite the experience so far. You'd be surprised how easy it is to ruin—erm run a country over Teams or Zoom." said President Obama. "The best part is no matter how bad things get—I just blame Kamala and Joe!"

At publishing time, President Obama was found in the situation room launching drone strikes on Middle Eastern civilians. He said he "missed seeing the strikes on the big screen."

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The Babylon Bee Editorial Board Endorses Kamala Harris For President

Why Kamala? Take a look at this incredible list of just a few of her achievements:
As a young San Francisco lawyer, broke into politics by using her stunning intellect to win the favor of 60-year-old Mayor Willie Brown

Ran for President in 2020 and earned zero votes, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was in it purely for the love of the game

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