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🎙Christianity, Star Wars Prequels, and Staying In California | The Dave Rubin Interview

Kyle and Ethan talk to Dave Rubin about identifying as a conservative, California, and Christianity. Dave has written a new book titled Don’t Burn This Book available wherever you find books

The 🐝 Podcast is also available on all podcast platforms.

September 19, 2024

No One Notices As Entire Cast Of 'The View' Replaced With Shrieking Feral Pigs

"I mean, I like Joy and Sara, don't get me wrong — they're just a little repetitive and loud sometimes," a spokesperson for the Walters estate said. "These porkers actually bring a little bit more to the table — figuratively speaking, that is. And they look better, too. I'm fine with the decision, all around."


September 19, 2024

'I Was Born Into A Middle Class Family,' Explains Wife When Husband Asks Why The Car Is On Fire

Trent later said that he was left off-balance by his wife's articulate and nuanced answer. "I hadn't ever really thought about it that way," he said. "While I was caring so much about learning why the car was on fire, I was completely ignoring the fact that she was born into a middle-class family. That answer blew me away. It changed everything. I saw the situation in a completely different light."


49 minutes ago

'We Can't Afford Another Four Years Of This!' Shouts Running Mate Of Candidate Who Has Been Leading Country For Four Years

Voters in the crowd seemed receptive to the plea. "He makes a convincing argument," said one rally attendee. "While asking all of us to vote for the person who has been in charge for the last four years, he reminded us that America simply won't last if we go through another four years of her. The evidence he presented made it abundantly clear that the lady who's been steering the ship the last four years would just completely wreck everything in the next four years."


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