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🎙Christianity, Star Wars Prequels, and Staying In California | The Dave Rubin Interview

Kyle and Ethan talk to Dave Rubin about identifying as a conservative, California, and Christianity. Dave has written a new book titled Don’t Burn This Book available wherever you find books

The 🐝 Podcast is also available on all podcast platforms.

2 hours ago

Breaking: If Elected Trump Promises To Create A Derogatory Slur For Canadians

"It'll be the biggest, most beautiful slur anyone has ever heard," Trump said in the announcement. "For so many years, even before I became president, people always asked me, ‘What should we call Canadians?' I know how to create slurs, believe me. Nobody is better at it. That is why, if I am elected, I promise to create an all-new derogatory slur for Canadians. 'Hoser' and 'canuck' are boring and lame. I will make a perfect slur for all Canadians, no matter who they are. Make Canadian slurs great again!"


7 hours ago

Kamala's 7 Debate Demands Revealed

She will be awarded extra points for each accent she uses: Being multi-lingual should have its advantages.


8 hours ago

Ken Ham Hides On Second Floor Of Natural History Museum With Sniper Rifle Waiting For Someone To Say ‘Millions Of Years’

"You could tell he was just waiting to take someone out," said one museum visitor. "During our guided tour, any time someone would mention dinosaurs living millions of years ago, we heard grumbling and a few boos from somewhere above us. I'm pretty sure I noticed the red dot of a laser sight dancing around menacingly on the tour guide's forehead. Honestly, it's surprising we all made it out alive."


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