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🎙Christianity, Star Wars Prequels, and Staying In California | The Dave Rubin Interview

Kyle and Ethan talk to Dave Rubin about identifying as a conservative, California, and Christianity. Dave has written a new book titled Don’t Burn This Book available wherever you find books

The 🐝 Podcast is also available on all podcast platforms.

14 hours ago

Harris Campaign Admits Tim Walz Was The Only Candidate That Answered Their Craigslist Ad

"We waited and waited," said one anonymous Harris staffer, "But no one would answer our ad. Things were getting down to the wire — heads were about to roll — when up rolled Tim Walz. His application mentioned experience stoking race riots and transing kids, but good grief was he a psycho in the interview. He wouldn't stop doing cartwheels and making outrageous claims, like that he was first man in space. Truth is, we had no other option."


10 hours ago

Heaven Confirms God Keeps List Of People Who Leave Church Early To Watch Football Games

Churchgoers reached for comment were simultaneously fearful and resigned to their fates. "I always wondered about this," said professing Christian and football fan Bill Garrison. "As long as I've been skipping out on the end of sermons to make sure I see the start of every Raiders game, I've worried that there would be consequences. It's troubling to hear… but I get it. Go Raiders, though, right?"


14 hours ago

Americans Unanimously Agree To Vote For Whichever Candidate Stops Sending Them Campaign Donation Text Messages

"Please…just make the texts stop," said Casey Muller, an American voter who spends about three hours a day deleting campaign texts. "I've already had to go part-time to keep up with deleting all of the messages. We give up, all right? I'll vote for whoever just stops sending the text messages first!"


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