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5 hours ago

Kamala Announces Construction Of 'Murderers Only' Express Lane At Southern Border

"We're really just hoping to provide an equitable entrance for these Democrat vot — I mean, honored guests of the United States," said Gayle Quimble, aide to Harris. "The new Murderers-Only lane will hopefully allow us to sort out the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. There are getting to be so many murderers, it's just clogging up the system."

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🎙Christianity, Star Wars Prequels, and Staying In California | The Dave Rubin Interview

Kyle and Ethan talk to Dave Rubin about identifying as a conservative, California, and Christianity. Dave has written a new book titled Don’t Burn This Book available wherever you find books

The 🐝 Podcast is also available on all podcast platforms.

6 hours ago

Media Warn Florida Hurricane May Hamper Ongoing Trump Assassination Attempts

"State officials are advising people to stay indoors and not to leave their homes for any reason, even to assassinate Donald Trump," said NBC's Lester Holt during his nightly report.

September 27, 2024

Experts Warn Hurricane In Hurricane Alley During Hurricane Season Clear Sign Of Climate Change

"I guess this is the price we pay for destroying the planet with our dangerous CO2 emissions," Smith continued. "Still, I never thought I'd live to see the day that a hurricane hit Florida. Gee, I hope this won't affect this weekend's Miami Hurricanes game!"

September 27, 2024

NFL Refs Follow Patrick Mahomes To His House, Get Him A Glass Of Warm Milk, Tuck Him In, Read Him A Story, Give Him A Little Kiss

Fans of other teams across the league have loudly complained about what they believe to be preferential treatment given to the Chiefs in general and Mahomes in particular, complaints that were seemingly confirmed by the news that officials were providing ongoing love and care to Mahomes at his house.

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