The Babylon Bee
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October 27, 2024

The Babylon Bee Editorial Board Endorses Kamala Harris For President

Why Kamala? Take a look at this incredible list of just a few of her achievements:
As a young San Francisco lawyer, broke into politics by using her stunning intellect to win the favor of 60-year-old Mayor Willie Brown

Ran for President in 2020 and earned zero votes, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was in it purely for the love of the game

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🎙Christianity, Star Wars Prequels, and Staying In California | The Dave Rubin Interview

Kyle and Ethan talk to Dave Rubin about identifying as a conservative, California, and Christianity. Dave has written a new book titled Don’t Burn This Book available wherever you find books

The 🐝 Podcast is also available on all podcast platforms.

October 26, 2024

Joe Rogan Interviews Former McDonald's Fry Cook

According to producers, Rogan and the fry cook covered a range of topics during their three-hour conversation, including how each got their scars and why windmills drive whales crazy. "Honestly, we were second-guessing Rogan's decision to bring in some McDonald's guy," said podcast editor Don Billings. "We couldn't have been more wrong. It was an amazing conversation, and the downloads have been staggering. Tens of millions of people had already listened to the episode within twelve hours of its release. That's why Rogan is the boss."

October 26, 2024

Democrats Warn It May Take At Least 4 Years To Count Ballots

"You just can't rush this type of thing," said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. "We're talking about a very complicated process of counting. It starts with 1, proceeds on to 2, then 3, and so on. These numbers get very large. When you run out of fingers and toes, it gets even more confusing. Plus, you have to account for the fact that we'll need to wait and find out how many votes we need to come up with. I'm afraid we won't know who the winner of the presidential election is until everyone starts voting to elect the following president."

October 26, 2024

Police Helicopter Either Saying To Go Outside And Help Look For Missing Old Guy Or Lock Your Doors And Stay Inside Because There's A Serial Killer On Your Street

"We don't know for sure what it was saying, but it was definitely one of those two," said a nearby witness. "We were inside watching some Netflix when we heard the helicopter buzzing right above the house. The police were saying… something. It might have been asking for us to help find a lost old man, or it may have been warning us that a deranged murderer was going house to house wiping out entire families. One or the other."

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