The Babylon Bee
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August 27, 2024

Man Unsure If He’s Becoming More Virtuous With Age Or Just Too Tired To Sin

"I realized — maybe I'm being conformed to the image of Christ here," Michael recalled, musing over the goodness of God's sustaining grace. "But I had to wonder — maybe I'm just too tired for this whole sinning business after all. I mean, it takes so much energy, you know? You've actually got to get up and do stuff like anger or greed or whatever and it's like who's got time for all that noise anyway?"

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23 hours ago

Mola Ram Says He Has Found No Evidence To Support Trump’s Claim Of Heart-Ripping Ceremonies Taking Place Within Temple Of Doom

"After a thorough fact-check with my sources, there is zero evidence to support Mr. Trump's claim of heart-ripping ceremonies in the Temple of Doom," Mola Ram explained, wiping blood off of his hands with a ceremonial towel. "We have investigated the building in question and found no evidence of victims, lava pits, or ripped-out hearts. Mr. Trump's claim has therefore been completely debunked as a racist and probably sexist slander against the peaceful religion of the Thuggees."

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The Babylon Bee Podcast

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